Hi there! Welcome to my world, and to my blog! I am Hope , a photographer located in Flagstaff, Arizona. This is where I post sneak peeks from recent sessions, experiences and announce any new offers at Hope Gibbs Photography. Check back often, and please feel free to leave comments!

October 18, 2010

Troxler Fam!

I had a blast shooting my friends Jason, Wendy and their young family. My hubby and I take full credit for Jason and Wendy! We set them up 5 years ago. They have a full house with 3 under 4 yrs old and a new giant dog. The boys had a blast just being boys and their sister had fun watching them. The dog, just watched. This is by far the most mellow big dog I have ever seen. Hard to believe she is a puppy and only half the size she will be. They love being a family and I think it shows!