Hi there! Welcome to my world, and to my blog! I am Hope , a photographer located in Flagstaff, Arizona. This is where I post sneak peeks from recent sessions, experiences and announce any new offers at Hope Gibbs Photography. Check back often, and please feel free to leave comments!

May 24, 2011

Three Little Monkey's

These three little monkey's just welcomed in one soon to be spoiled little sister to their family! They are the sweetest little boys you could be around. The littlest "monkey" kept asking, "Can I hold it!" Mom would carefully put her in his arms. He would grin ear to ear, kiss her and announce he was finished. The older two were a little more stable and worked super hard at getting it right. Getting these 4 all in the same frame, sitting somewhat still and looking in a somewhat similar direction proved to be quite difficult. A carrot dangled in front of the cart...fine, fine a sucker or two or three helped us contain them a bit. They were a lot like I would imagine the job of herding cats to be like. I loved every minute! Baby girl, you are one lucky little gal!

They are so in love with their new baby I think they might just rub her skin right off kissing her. At just two weeks old she already seemed to be getting used to it!