Hi there! Welcome to my world, and to my blog! I am Hope , a photographer located in Flagstaff, Arizona. This is where I post sneak peeks from recent sessions, experiences and announce any new offers at Hope Gibbs Photography. Check back often, and please feel free to leave comments!

October 30, 2011


Oh my goodness are these girls awesome. I can't get enough. I cannot believe how incredibly tough they are. The strength, stamina and endurance is inspiring. They crash, sprint, bleed and get up for more.  I stand there freezing to death all bundled up and they are in shorts squinting through the snowflakes flying towards their faces and don't even seem to notice. What a pleasure it is to shoot these girls time and time again.

October 21, 2011

Alpine Pedaler...HOP ON!

"Pedal! Pedal!" Will forever ring through my ears! What a total and complete blast! The Alpine Pedaler is a 14 person human powered trolley. I shot their inaugural pub crawl and oh what fun! I love to see people reach and dabble in the out of the ordinary. Flagstaff is lucky to have something fun and unique in its repertoire.